G. Bunin, O. Rivoire. Evolutionary features in a minimal physical system: directionality, diversity, selection, growth, inheritance, and adaptation. arXiv preprint.
E. Rouviere, O. Rivoire, R. Ranganathan. A unified view of allostery. arXiv preprint.
S. Mahdavi, Y. Sakref, O. Rivoire. One-way catalysis: Insights from a solvable lattice model. arXiv preprint.
Y. Sakref, O. Rivoire (2024). Design principles, growth laws, and competition of minimal autocatalysts. Comm. Chem. 7 : 239. [SI]
J. Fernandez-de-Cossio-Diaz, G. Uguzzoni, K. Ricard, F. Anselmi, A. Pagnani, C. Nizak, O. Rivoire (2024). Inference and design of antibody specificity: from experiments to models and back. PLoS Comput. Biol. 20 : e1012522. [SI]
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Y. Sakref, O. Rivoire (2024). On the exclusion of exponential autocatalysts by sub-exponential autocatalysts. J. Theoret. Bio. 579 : 111714.
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E. Rouviere, R. Ranganathan, O. Rivoire (2023) Emergence of single- versus multi-state allostery. PRX Life 1 : 023004. [SI]
I. Boulas, L. Bruno, S. Rimsky, O. Espeli, I. Junier, O. Rivoire (2023). Assessing in vivo the impact of gene context on transcription through DNA supercoiling. Nucleic Acids Res. 51 : 9509–9521. [SI]
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S. Charlat, T. Heams, O. Rivoire (2023). Is natural selection physical? Evolutionary Thinking Across Disciplines, Chapter 12 : 287-296, Springer.
M. Muñoz-Basagoiti, O. Rivoire. Z. Zeravcic (2023). Computational design of a minimal catalyst using colloidal particles with programmable interactions. Soft Matter, 19 : 3933-3939.
A. S. Zadorin, O. Rivoire (2023). Multilevel selection in the evolution of sexual dimorphism in phenotypic plasticity. Proc. R. Soc. B 290 : 20230634.
D. Lacoste, O. Rivoire, D. S. Tourigny (2023). Cell behavior in the face of uncertainty. Economic Principles in Cell Biology, Chapter 13.
Y. Kleeorin, W. P. Russ, O. Rivoire, R. Ranganathan (2023). Undersampling and the inference of coevolution in proteins. Cell Systems 14 : 210–219.
S. Charlat et al. (2021). Natural selection beyond life? A workshop report. Life 11 : 1051.
A. S. Zadorin, O. Rivoire (2021). Sex as information processing: optimality and evolution. Phys. Rev. E 103 : 062413.
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S. Schulz, S. Boyer, M. Smerlak, S. Cocco, R. Monasson, C. Nizak, O. Rivoire (2021). Parameters and determinants of responses to selection in antibody libraries. PLoS Comp Biol 17 : e1008751.
O. Rivoire (2020). Geometry and flexibility of optimal catalysts in a minimal elastic model. J. Phys. Chem. B 124 : 807-813. [SI]
A. F. Schober, A. D. Mathis, C. Ingle, J. O. Park, L. Chen, J. D. Rabinowitz, I. Junier, O. Rivoire, K. A. Reynolds (2019). A two-enzyme adaptive unit in bacterial folate metabolism. Cell Reports 27 : 3359-3370. [SI]
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O. Rivoire, K. Reynolds, R. Ranganathan (2016). Evolution-based functional decomposition of proteins. PLoS Comput Biol 12 : e1004817. [SI]
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I. Junier, O. Rivoire (2016). Conserved units of co-expression in bacterial genomes: an evolutionary insight. PLoS ONE 11 : e0155740. [SI]
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J. S. Chuang, O. Rivoire, S. Leibler (2010). Cooperation and Hamilton’s rule in a simple synthetic microbial system. Mol. Syst. Biol. 6 : 398. [SI]
N. Halabi, O. Rivoire, S. Leibler, R. Ranganathan (2009). Protein sectors: evolutionary units of three-dimensional structures. Cell 138 : 774-86. [SI]
J. S. Chuang, O. Rivoire, S. Leibler (2009). Simpson’s paradox in a synthetic microbial system. Science 223 : 272-75. [SI]
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O. Rivoire, G. Biroli, O. C. Martin, M. Mézard (2004). Glass models on Bethe lattices. Eur. Phys. J. B 37: 55-78.
M. Cashen, O. Rivoire, L. Yatsenko, H. Metcalf (2002). Coherent exchange of momentum between atoms and light. J. Opt. B : Quantum Semiclass. Opt. 4 : 75-79.
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